Regearing Mantua Steam Locos

Has anyone had any experience installing NWSL regearing sets in Mantua locos? I have a penchant for Camelbacks and Mantua produced a bunch of them.

I have an 0-4-0, and 0-6-0 and a 2-8-0 to do. I’ve purchased two of NWSLs 153-6 but am daunted by the instructions. Mostly I am hesitant to disassemble the drivers and side rods. I’d be interested in hearing your experience doing this.


Before you start, make sure you have the proper tools: a quarterer and a light press with appropriate fixtures.

Plan on re-quartering all of the drivers, due to the slight difference in quarter between the factory tool and your tool.

If you loose the side rod screws, Bowser has ones that will work.

Go for it.

Thanks for the feedback. I have the Puller and a Sensipress but not the Quarterer. I was simply going to scribe the main driver axle and its main drive rod slightly offcenter so I could put it back together where it comes off. Are you saying that I need the quarterer to fix Mantua 's build problems? If so, I can do that as I have three more of the Mantua center cabs to do.