Hi, I thought I would share some pictures of the removable pond now that it is finished.
Keep in mind that there is nothing here that will not lift off of the table should I decide to use the space for something different at some other time. Just lift it off and vacuum up the debris.
Thanks for all of your suggestions and input. I would like to find a kid in a swim suit to put in the tire swing that Becky suggested. [:)]
I would like to take credit for it as artwork but it is not. It is purchased LEMAX Ocean Display Mat 18"x 48" list for like $12.00. Just use scissors to cut it to the shape you want, place on top of the ReadyGrass and throw some edging around it and your done. Does not cost a lot to do it. The figures cost more than the pond.
The marsh leading into the pond and edging are from the craft section of Hobby Lobby it is called Forest Naturals Moss. It cost was around $5.00 and there is a lot of it in the bag. I also use it for other spots on the layout. It is somewhat messy to work with but I just placed it on the table but you could glue it down if you wanted to. I made the tree with the tire swing out of craft material my wife had left over from 1993 I found in the basement and painted the leaves green with a can of John Deere implement paint I had. Glued the two sections of tree together with hot glue. Made the tire swing out of an auto Air Conditioning O ring I had in my shed and a section of fine speaker wire from a MRC horn and diesel unit I did not use the speaker from. I also got the wood chips I laid on the floor of the logging site from the same bag of forest naturals. The figures are Woodland Scenics, Family fishing figures #A2756 $18.00 the cabin is Bachmann Plasticville Log Cabin with Fence #45982 $9.99 I painted in the chinking and added the moos to the roof.
Kev, make ssure the beavers do not move into your pond. If so, you have to have the Chief come and get them.
OOPS, that beaver is getting even! [birthday gift sent to me by the “Pot” gang. [(-D]
note: beaver is holding dynamite with fiber optic fuse that looks like it is burning. done by Roy M