Removal Western Maryland Herald and name Spectrum Russian Decapod

The Grizzly Northern has just acquired a fourth Bachmann Spectrum 2-10-0 Russian Decapod, an ex-Western Maryland locomotive. Several years ago I removed the herald from an Erie unit using 70% Isopropyl Alcohol and a toothbrush. However the Erie herald still shows as a ghost behind the Grizzly Northern name on the tender.

Any suggestions for a more effective removal technique welcomed. [:)]

I’d just say it was an ex-Erie unit, and that you worked for days to come up with a way to have the Erie herald ghosting thru the new paintjob !![:)]

try using a soft pensil eraser. It worked for me for removing the NYC emblem from my S-2 so I could make it a Rio Grande. It take a while but the results turned out well. Make sure it isn’t a stiff eraser.

I agree with wjstix - a lot of modelers work real hard to have a ghost image show on an aquired piece of rolling stock or loco!

Thats been my story and I’m sticking to it. The ghostly image can be found on 5712’s tender at
