removing a loco shell

Hello, I am trying to take the shell of a F7 A unit to find out if it has a sound decoder because i have not known since I purchased it from the Providence Northern model railroad club. I am very eager to find out… I don’t know how the heck to get it off. Can somebody help me?

Who is it made by?


Can’t help you there. The only Mantua F7’s I had were the very old models and they came apart quite easily. But I’m sure there’s someone here who can.

don’t know how old it is. I got it last year for 2 bucks(it runs!) I took the screw out of the fuel tank to see if that would do anything but to no avail. (It didn’t come off.)

I looked at the diagram that was linked to in an above post. It looks exactly like an old Model Power F unit my nephew had years ago. I opened it up and put more weight in it for him. If yours is the same type you should be able to spread the bottom of the shell so it will release from the tabs on the sides of the fuel tank. When you’ve done that the chassis should drop out. Rotate the shell so the coupler can pass through the pilot sideways.

Guess he got what he needed.

I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. [}:)]

thanks i’ll try it. havent done it yet, just read the post

I finally got it off today in about 1 minute or so, thanks a lot.

(BTW it doesnt have a decoder, I’m dissapointed.)