Removing ballast from track area, how to de-ballast

I ballasted some of my track in the recent months, but I am not satisified with my results and wondered if anyone has ever attempted to start over. My question is then what is the best way to remove ballast from the roadbed/track area?



I’m currently rebuilding an 11x15 HO layout using a lot of track that had previously been ballasted - so I can speak from some experience.

Assuming your ballast was attached with the usual white glue or matte medium with water, the first question is, “are your going to remove the ballast with the track in place or with the sections in hand?”

If the sections are “in hand”, you could brush off the loose stuff with a stiff brush, and then soak the track overnight in a tub of water with a bit of soap, and hose off in the morning. If you want to leave the track secured to the layout, then I would (and have done) the following:

Run the hose of a strong vacuum over the track to remove anything that isn’t anchored down. Sometimes that’s a lot, sometimes very little - depending on how well you glued it. Next, take a small brass or aluminum metal brush (like used to clean firearms) that won’t scratch up the rails, and work it along the tracks - and then follow up with the vacuum. You may have to do this process a couple of times.

If the above removes most of the ballast, you are free to redo the track. If there is still a lot left, you can either remove the track and soak it, or augment the ballast with whatever new stuff you want to use. The result may not be “perfect”, but typically only the best main lines are “perfect”.

Good luck,


Remember mess is spelled with two '"s"s.

If you secured your ballast–and track–with some kind of a water soluble glue you can probably float everything loose with a thorough soaking–please! don’t ask me what that is. Drench your roadbed with water and let set until it floats loose; I will mention that on my last layout I experimented with laying my switches using Elmer’s glue and it took a lot of patience but I was eventually able to salvage my switchwork. I will be honest; most of my layouts involve about 60 bucks worth of ME Code 55 track and I’m not sure that the hassle of trying to salvage it is worth it.

If that fails I would advise you to take John Madden’s advice–does he still do those commercials?–and visit your local Ace Hardware store and purchase a good solid hammer and a cold chisel and have at it–which, by the way, I have done.

I have used the windshield washer solvent for your car on a rag. Soak the rag real good a lay on the ballast/track section. Wait about an hour and vacuum with a shop vac. Most will come up. Repeat or take up the track and brush with a soft bristle brush. The window cleaner cuts the glue real good.
