I want to reletter a Bachmann Spectrum 280. What is the best way to remove the factory lettering without damaging the black paint underneath. The loco has really nice white pinstriping that I could never duplicate if I were to repaint. I’ve used Solveset on other models with OK success, and have tried paint thinners, Diosol etc. What works best on the Bachamnn loco?
I can’t say specificaly about Bachmann, but I have had good results using a Q-tip, with denatured alcohol on other models. As they say, check this out on a “non-visable” area first.
Is the pinstriping you want to save, right under the lettering you want to remove? If so, that could be trickey. All markings are probably made using the “silk-screen” process. In other words, removing the lettering/numbers will also remove the stripes. The alcohol shouldn’t hurt the black paint, but the stripes will most likely disappear along with the letters/numbers.
Todd C.
I would first try very patient work with a rubber eraser. If that does not work try an ink or typewriter eraser (“What’s a typewriter eraser, daddy” I can hear some of you ask. I feel old enough as it is without trying to answer).
Then I would try Todd’s alcohol idea – my own experience is that the pure denatured alchohol is preferable to “rubbing alcohol” was is 74%.
Instead of a Q tip however I use these very very tiny things that Testors sells – they look like Q tips with a Z scale tip at the end. More control and less likely to lose fibers.
Dave Nelson
Thought of this one time not sure if you want to repaint the locomotive, but Micro-Scale products sells a mini sand blaster. You could do the same thing real lcomomotive shops did, they sand blasted there equipment for repainting. Or contact the manufacture next time to see if you can get an undecorated locomotive, that is what I ahve done to letter my road names on.