Removing Polly Scale paint

Help needed -

anyone have good suggestions on removing Polly Scale paint from track. I paint the web of the rails with Polly Scale rust and have frozen curves. Rebuilding portion of layout and would like to reuse the painted track in another location but can not either straigten or curve. I heard that soaking in isopropal alcohol would do it but am not sure.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Friend, All you need is DOT 3 brake fluid. Get a large plastic container, pile in the track sections, and then cover with the brake fluid and let it set for 24-48 hours. Afterwards, just scrub them down with an old toothbrush and warm soapy water. As long as it’s acrylic paint, then Brake Fluid is inexpensive and works like a charm. I use it to strip paint from both metal and plastic items, and have yet to have it attack either the metal, the plastic, or any glue joints. It softens and breaks down the acrylic paint very well, even stuff that’s been on for years. Make certain, however, that you use latex or rubber gloves when handling the items, and dispose of the used brake fluid properly, at an approved pertoleum products recycling center. Respects,