I have a Lionel KW transformer and when a load is put on the unit the red light comes on and no voltage. Any suggestions on what might be the problem?
A couple of things.
First, does the red short-circuit light come on as soon as you plug in the transformer? If not, fine, if so, it’s the transformer
Does the light come on with the transformer plugged in but NOT connected to any track when you turn the handles? If not, connect it to the track.
Does the light come on with the transformer plugged in, connected to the track, and then the handles are turned? If so, the problem’s with the track. If not…
If everything’s fine until you put the train on the track and give it power then the problem’s with the train, somewhere. Start removing cars one by one and see if the problem goes away. Or, try it with the engine only. Trial-and-error time. Just how old is your KW by the way? I’ve got one from 50+ years ago and it works fine, BUT the power cord had deteriorated and I had to replace it, so, how’s the power cord look? Is it nice and supple, or stiff and cracking? If it’s the latter, that will certainly cause a problem!
Not necessarily. If the breaker is stuck open, the red light will come on in this case. The breaker failure in this fashion is very common on the KW.
Interesting, I didn’t know that, it’s never happened to mine, even after all these years. Now it only comes out once a year to power the trains under the Christmas tree.
Ok, I only have this problem when two trains are running. If the train is running on just A, everything is fine; if it runs only using B, everything is fine. If both A and B are being used, a short occurs eventually. A month ago, it was after about twenty minutes; now, after about fuive minutes.
Make sure the A and B loops are center-rail Isolated from each other. It sounds like they are not and possibly connected out of phase. U goes to the common outside rail and A or B goes to the center rail and they must be completely isolated.
Have you opened it up yet to take a look inside? Transz4mr’s website has a detailed how-to on how to do a rebuild, but just cracking open the case and giving it a look might give you some insight into the problem.
The rollers on throttle levers may be bent in such a way so as to allow contact. It’s very common for that to happen with age.
The breaker is wearing out, plain & simple.
The A and B loops are completely independent.
Thanks Rob … I was afraid that was the case!
…month ago, it was after about twenty minutes; now, after about fuive(sic) minutes.
The breaker is wearing out, plain & simple.