I obtained several prewar Lionel series 2600 railcars. Several were missing the pick up shoes so I ordered them. I do not have specialized tools for peening the rivet and would like to know what you might use as the base to keep the head of the rivet in place and protect the shoe when peening, and what might you use in conjunction with a hammer to accomplish the actual peening.
Here is a site that sells individual tools or complete sets for riveting. For your application, you would need the BRT2-1 rivet set, and the BR1-P3 backing post. If you are handy, you can make something that will do the job, by using the tools as a reference as to what is needed.
See if you can find some “roll pin pinches” locally . These are good for peening over the rivets. Just find something you can pit up against the head of the rivet.
If it’s the small black slider shoes that you are trying to replace, the edge of a flat file clamped in a vice will rest in the slot of the shoe and support the rivet head. I use a center punch and hammer to flare the rivet, then I finish with a flat punch.