Replacement Lights for LGB Lanterns & Other LGB Bits

Sorry to trouble the forum for a basic parts question. I need to replace the burnt out bulbs on some of my lococomtives and caboose lanterns. I have written and sent pictures to a few advertisers, who both bounced me to a distributor who then bounced me to other stores! I am assuming the bulbs have not changed since we bought our stuff in the '80s, but I simply have a hard time confirming the part number. At the price, and with shipping what it is, I really want to order the right bulb the first time!

Likewise, is there a good source for the little plastic bits - whisltes, hand wheels, connecting rods, etc. - that have fallen off over the years? In particular, the loop coupler at the front of the 0-6-2T “U-Lok” would be most appreciated!



E130116 is screw-in bulb and harness/socket. I may have missed it, but you did not specifiy push in or screw in. One won’t fit the other.

Yellowed screw in bulbs E130121. Both of the above 18V.

You could get clear Piko screw-in 19V, 1055758, 10 pieces.

On higher end locomotives, where lights come on before loco moves, 5V bulbs, push-in, if that’s what you have, I’ll get you those numbers.


I have found small LEDs which might be useful.They use a E10 screw base ("Edison base, 10 mm diamter). The LEDs themselves have a resistor built in, and appear to operate on either AC or DC.

I’ve also got some E5 screw base LEDs that fit in the Charles Ro passenger car sockets. Might work on your LGB equipment. I don’t know.

As for the “bits” you might be forced into 3D printing to get what you want.

Thanks, everyone. If I can source alternative lights locally as Dick suggest, that will save me a bundle!

As for the bits…I guess the answer is “Oh, boy!”