Replacement Motor

I have an Tyco-Mantua Mikato 2-8-2 that needs a new motor. Anyone know where I can get a replacement? The kit Number is K208:1498. The motor part number is 33578. My E-mail address is

With Mantua out of the train business that may be a tough one to get.
E-Mail John Patton of Meyersdale Pa at
He’s a good Riv repairman and may have solid leads.

Way off topic. But how do you get your name to show up with the post. When I post it shows a the date but no name. Thanks. Sorry I do not have any help for the engine. Good luck on finding your part.

There is a web site for Tyco just type in Tyco
Trains,they have a question and answer for tyco’s
I hope this helps. Larryc