Replacement Wheelsets for Atlas N-scale RTR Rolling Stock

On a recent trip home to visit my parents, I stopped in at Riders’ Hobby Shop in Kalamazoo to check out a real American-style hobby shop. I live in Japan, so chances are few and far between. While I was there, I picked up some Atlas N-scale RTR 40’ boxcars and a caboose, all of which were fitted with plastic wheels. (Seems like they could do better than plastic wheels for the price!) Anyway, when I got back to Japan, I went to my LHS and picked up some KATO black anodized metal wheels, and they fit perfectly on the Atlas rolling stock. For those of you who might be interested, the part number is 11-602 and the price was 350 yen (about $3) for eight pairs of wheels. I don’t know whether or not they are available in the States, but KATO USA might be able to order them.