Replacment Switches for Atlas Switch motors

What type of switch can u use other then the atlas ones to operate the switch motors. All the switches i could think of send out constant power with will fry the motor. Any suggestions?

A ‘momemtary’ SPDT toggle will do the trick…Walthers/Mouser/DigiKey all have them…

Jim Bernier

I am using small push buttons from Radio Shack, push them and there on let off and there off. work very well and are cheep. Mike

Depending on how many turnouts you need to power, you can go to your local Ripoff Shack and pay three or four dollars for 4 momentary push-button switches, or you can get them from a source such as All Electronics priced at 10 for $3.25 (plus shipping) and they can be had with either a red or black button. Catalog Number MPB-1 and MPB-1B.

so any momentary switch would work like this But will i need one for each direction or does it move the other way aswell.? And

so any momentary switch would work like this But will i need one for each direction if i get the button one, OR if i get a toggle.

sry bout double post IE was being Annoying, Well im going to need to power about 25 and i prefer togle switch.

I asked a similar question a few months ago and got some great info. You don’t need DTDP toggles, SPDT toggles will work. A company called Demar Electronics sells momentary ON-OFF-ON SPDT toggle switches for $1.14 ($0.95 for 25 or more) that will work to power atlas switch machines. Here is a link to the product:
I plan to order all my toggle switches from this websight

Wow theres some great prices there thnx for the site.

I’m glad I could help. If you do order from them, let me know how it goes since I won’t be up to the wiring part of layout building for a while.

If you do go with momentary push-buttons be sure you get the “normal off” type where the power is on only when you push the button.

There are some that are “normal on” where pushing the button cuts the power. Picking the wrong one can ruin those Atlas motors.