Friend of mine, who is a good guy and lone wolf modeler, purchased an NCE Pro Cab, 10amp system instead of a Power Cab for his HO layout. His intent was to have a system with enough power so that he would not have to purchase multiple boosters. He enjoys running two to three trains with 4 to 5 unit lashups, each pulling 35+ weighted cars.
From what he told me the Pro Cab system is geared towards the larger scales (G and up). From what he sees in his manual, the Pro Cab is set at 18 volts. He’s worried about frying his locomotives, most which are Kato and Genesis units. He told me that he doesn’t see the info in the manual where the system’s voltage output can be adjusted.
I felt bad that I wasn’t much help. I told him to contact NCE as well as check the forums. I’m suggesting to him that he join this one.
But as a quick guide: Can someone PLEASE point out where or what page the info is on in the manual to set the system for 14 volts (or whatever the standard is) for HO?
Any help is appreciated. I’ll pass the info on to him and will urge him to join this forum asap.
You don’t mention whether your friend is using the 5 amp system or the 10 amp system. If it is the 5 and he is using NCE’s power supply #PB515, he is goog to go. With either 5 or 10 amp if he is using NCE’s Brutus power supply he will. Need to adjust the system’s voltage output. For pints ructions go first to the ncedcc web site. Othee home page click on re blue information it tom for DCC SysteS room the next page click on NCE voltage settings under Power Pro 5 amp systems.
That said, there is a contradiction in the power requirement section of the manual, or at least the manual found on the website: (It is the one identified as ph10A.pdf). Page 6 recommends a 18 volt, 12 amp power supply. Page 7 says a minimum 16 volt, 12 amps. I looked at the requirement for the 5 amp system, and it wants 16 volt, 6 amps.
So for HO, I would think that a 16 volt, 12 amp power supply would work.
However, the 12 amps are a problem unless he separates the railroad into separate sections, each with an appropriate breaker (maybe 3 amp?) to limit the current to the track in each section.
Oh, and page 54 of the manual talks about a “power booster”. Not sure what this is, but it states that it “is factory set to put out 15.5-16 volts to the track in the “normal” position and 18 volts in the “adjust” position. The adjust position (18 volts) is the correct voltage recommended by the NMRA for G Scale.”
This suggests to me that there is a switch someplace.
My advice is not to use the 10 amp system for an HO layout. Your friend ought to return the 10 amp system and exchange it for the 5 amp system which is better suited to HO scale.
One of my modeling buddies, who is also into electronics, got a 10 amp system from NCE for his HO layout. He broke the layout into multiple power districts, each with a 5 amp circuit breaker (like the NCE EB-1), which has the capability to set a maximum capacity below 5 amps if desired. Although the base system still has the full 10 amp capacity, no one piece of track can draw more than what is set on the breaker. It works for him and he doesn’t have to worry about excessive current damaging his locos.
I think they have you covered on the adjustment instructions.
Rob’s suggestion to use circuit breakers to limit output is a good one. A solid short at 10 amps starts melting things pretty quickly.
Probably don’t have a reason for your friend to go below 14 volts with his needs, but consider this. If he has any Micro-Tsunamis in his fleet, running at 12.5 volts will help keep them cool. He’s probably more likely to have some Athearn locos with their delicate micro-bulbs. For them, running at 12.5 volts helps to significantly extend their life.
I sent him an email with a link to this thread so I’m going to call him later and get his feedback. I’ll probably drop by his place this week to see how things are going.
Re: Decoders.
From what he’s shown me, nearly all of the sound and non-sound decoders that he’s installed in his units are Digitrax. He also has factory sound equipped units from MTH and BLI.
At the moment his layout is set up for DCC and straight DC.
It’s nice that these adjustments can be made. But wouldn’t it be simpler to purchase a 16 volt, 10 amp power supply? NCE recommends a 16 volt, 5 amp power supply for the 5 amp system.
You can’t get more than 16 volts out of a 16 amp power supply, can you?
I don’t understand your question. Reading the NCE literature, it says somewhere that the track voltage will be about 2 volts less than the power supply voltage. They recommend a (up to) 16 volt, 5 amp power supply for the 5 amp system.
So why can we not use a 16 volt, 10 amp power supply for the 10 amp system? I am assuming (always a bad thing) that there would be a similar voltage drop across the command station for the 10 amp system. So if one uses a 16 volt supply for the 10 amp system, why would I expect that the output voltage would be any higher than 16 volts minus the drop across the command station?
As a matter of fact, someplace in the 10 amp manual they recommend a 16 volt, 10 amp supply.
ok, I think what you meant was that you can’t get 16V track voltage from a 16V supply after going thru the command station.
But it looks like the command station controls the power supply and the supply connects directly to the track and there is no drop across the command station.
Where does it say tack voltage is 2V < supply voltage?
It makes sense to have the supply voltage adjustable so that on large layouts, where multiple supplies are needed, the track voltage in each power district is the same.
I still think that 10 amps is way overkill for what he needs. I have the ProCab 5 amp system and rarely surpass 3 - 3.5 amps and I run 10 to 12 locos at a time (in 3 or 4 trains) pulling 50 to 80 (weighted) cars per train. My system has never shut down.
If he is going to stay with the 10 amps, he definitely should put in some circuit breakers and dial them down to 4 or 5 amps or else the first short he has some wheels are going to be welded to some rail…
I can’t find that now. It was in one of the NCE documents I was looking at yesterday. But I did read it somewhere.
You might be correct with this. I’m used to the 5 amp system where everything is contained in one box. Looks like the 10 amp system comes in two boxes, and the wiring diagram in the 10 amp setup document does show, or implies, that the power to the track comes from the booster box, not the command station box.
As I said originally, best ones to answer this question reside at NCE.
The 5amp and 10 amp systems are different in the sense that the 5 amp system combines the command station and the booster in one box, whereas the 10 amp system provides a separate command station and booster.
The preferred transformer for the 5 amp system is a 15 VAC, 5 amp power supply. The maximum input voltage to the 5 amp system is 18VAC. The output voltage is factory set to 14 volts, and it is adjustable from 9.5 volts to 18 volts. NCE recommends setting the track voltage at no more than 16 volts.
The recommended transformer for the 10 amp system is an 18 VAC, 10 amp power supply. The maximum input voltage to the 10 amp system is 22 VAC. The output voltage is factory set to 16 volts, and it is adjustable from 9.5 volts to 18 volts. NCE recommends setting the track voltage at no more than 18 volts.
I think that the 2 volt difference between power supply and track supply is implied in that the recommended track setting on the 5 amp system is no more than 16 volts even though voltage can be adjuste