Requesting that MR do a scratch building article

I was looking for a modern terminal that was “generic” in the past issues of MR but couldn’t find anything appropriate. Then I looked at some old pics of the old MR layout and saw your terminal which would be perfect for a modern era generic terminal. It looks like it wouldn’t be too hard to scratch build. I am wondering if you could get some one to do a scratch build article of that building. In looking through past MR’s, most terminals are to distinct or too small for a small city terminal. I don’t want something too distinct for my free lance area.

Perhaps this could be combined with a revisit of the styrene-sandwich method of scratchbuilding structures as seen in the March & April 1986 MR. I recently dug out my copy to brush up on this technique. While revolving around a Santa Fe station, it focused mainly on construction methods. I think this was one of MR’s best articles of the 80’s.

The big question now would be where to get brick veneer, now that Holgate & Reynolds vinyl brick sheet is no longer made.

I think its a great idea because it can teach and asist people that scratch build.

Rick, if I’m not mistaken, the passenger terminal (I assume that’s what you mean by terminal, rather than engine terminal) on the Milwaukee Racine & Troy at Kalmbach was based quite closely on the Milwaukee Road station built in Milwaukee in the 1960’s and I seem to recall an article on building it. Suggest you rattle around in the MR mag index and see if you can’t come up with something based on that.[;)]

Good grief, second bone head mistake I’ve made today. Yes…lol… I mean a passenger terminal. I’ve looked back about 12 years of MR but couldn’t find anything, also many issues of RMC, and N Scale. Unbelievable but no good modern structure. I will see if I can dig something up, but I’m not holding my breath…[:0]

If I can’t find anything, I think I have discovered a relatively easy modern passenger and office tower terminal, based on the office tower and terminal in Edmonton Alberta. Basically it is a high rise over a couple of floors wider rectangular building. I’ve been in that station a couple of times, but over thirty years ago so the memory is a little fuzzy, but I have found one pic of it so far.

I have some 1980’s MR’ s but theres no article in there about that. Sorry

I think MR ran an article about the MR&T station late in '88.

Rick, emdgp92 is right on the money. The station appeared in Jim Kelly’s article entitled “Downtown Milwaukee on the MR&T”, which appeared in the October 1988 Model Railrtoader. As a matter of fact, the terminal appears on the front cover of that issue, so you sure did recall seeing it somewhere! Have you access to that issue?

BTW, found it in the MR mag index using “MR&T”

I did have 1988 of that issue; that’s where I saw the station. I’m not sure if that was the issue about backdrops using the Milwaukee scene or not, but the issue containing the article on the backdrop was the best one for viewing the passenger station of the MR&T. I seriously toyed with doing a modification of the track plan and station for an area in my N scale layout.

We have a dealer here who sells old MR’s for fourty cents so I might see if I can get a copy. I did have a sense of how to build it from the photo’s but something clearer would be helpful. I think the staion was built narrower as well (which would make sense since it is at the back and you can only see the side view). Great station for those who want a bit more modern looking station.

I didn’t have the 1988 October issue Rick. sorry

I was looking for a modern terminal that was “generic” in the past issues of MR but couldn’t find anything appropriate. Then I looked at some old pics of the old MR layout and saw your terminal which would be perfect for a modern era generic terminal. It looks like it wouldn’t be too hard to scratch build. I am wondering if you could get some one to do a scratch build article of that building. In looking through past MR’s, most terminals are to distinct or too small for a small city terminal. I don’t want something too distinct for my free lance area.

Perhaps this could be combined with a revisit of the styrene-sandwich method of scratchbuilding structures as seen in the March & April 1986 MR. I recently dug out my copy to brush up on this technique. While revolving around a Santa Fe station, it focused mainly on construction methods. I think this was one of MR’s best articles of the 80’s.

The big question now would be where to get brick veneer, now that Holgate & Reynolds vinyl brick sheet is no longer made.

I think its a great idea because it can teach and asist people that scratch build.

Rick, if I’m not mistaken, the passenger terminal (I assume that’s what you mean by terminal, rather than engine terminal) on the Milwaukee Racine & Troy at Kalmbach was based quite closely on the Milwaukee Road station built in Milwaukee in the 1960’s and I seem to recall an article on building it. Suggest you rattle around in the MR mag index and see if you can’t come up with something based on that.[;)]

Good grief, second bone head mistake I’ve made today. Yes…lol… I mean a passenger terminal. I’ve looked back about 12 years of MR but couldn’t find anything, also many issues of RMC, and N Scale. Unbelievable but no good modern structure. I will see if I can dig something up, but I’m not holding my breath…[:0]

If I can’t find anything, I think I have discovered a relatively easy modern passenger and office tower terminal, based on the office tower and terminal in Edmonton Alberta. Basically it is a high rise over a couple of floors wider rectangular building. I’ve been in that station a couple of times, but over thirty years ago so the memory is a little fuzzy, but I have found one pic of it so far.

I have some 1980’s MR’ s but theres no article in there about that. Sorry

I think MR ran an article about the MR&T station late in '88.

Rick, emdgp92 is right on the money. The station appeared in Jim Kelly’s article entitled “Downtown Milwaukee on the MR&T”, which appeared in the October 1988 Model Railrtoader. As a matter of fact, the terminal appears on the front cover of that issue, so you sure did recall seeing it somewhere! Have you access to that issue?

BTW, found it in the MR mag index using “MR&T”

I did have 1988 of that issue; that’s where I saw the station. I’m not sure if that was the issue about backdrops using the Milwaukee scene or not, but the issue containing the article on the backdrop was the best one for viewing the passenger station of the MR&T. I seriously toyed with doing a modification of the track plan and station for an area in my N scale layout.

We have a dealer here who sells old MR’s for fourty cents so I might see if I can get a copy. I did have a sense of how to build it from the photo’s but something clearer would be helpful. I think the staion was built narrower as well (which would make sense since it is at the back and you can only see the side view). Great station for those who want a bit more modern looking station.

I didn’t have the 1988 October issue Rick. sorry