reserction of old stramer

I’m stumped! geared drive wheels are jammed. take one partially off and it spins fine, put both geared drivers in place and they jam. What’s up?

bad gear in the mesh? could be any of the gears especially the small one they always go first as there the hardest to see it

What locomotive is this, please?


Are the drivers properly clocked? If not, the connecting rods will jam at some position.

Can you post pictures?

As rtraincollector suggested, are the gear teeth all OK?

Ditto the proper alignment of wheels if there are drive rods involved. I ran into this problem with an Atlantic steamer. It will bind or lock up if off by one tooth.

If this is a Lionel 675 (or 2025), check for drivers that are loose on their axles. That can cause random lockups of the idler gears. Don’t ask me how I know.