I just purchased the shells of a 736 Berkshire and tender off ebay (not sure if it’s a 2046w or a 2671w, is there a way to tell since the shells look so alike?) and in the near future will be starting a long term project to rebuild the locomotive and tender from the ground up. I have a few questions and I figured this was the place to ask.
I remember seeing a lot of these covered in the pages of CTT in the past, but I’ve been downsizing over the past year or so and have only kept a handful of favorite issues while the rest were given to Goodwill.
I want to repaint the engine in the correct smoky black as opposed to some regular old black. Which model paint manufacturers offer something like this?
I want to replace the buzzing e unit with an electronic one. Who makes these?
As of right now these are all my questions. Below is a picture of the shells, and as you can see I have my work cut out for me. They should arrive sometime this week. Now that I’ve got them I’m compiling a list of all the components I need. I’m going to try some of it on my own, but I will definitely be seeking a professionals help to sort out all the various electronics.
1. I want to repaint the engine in the correct smoky black as opposed to some regular old black. Which model paint manufacturers offer something like this?
I’ve found Krylon Satin Black to be an excellent match for the semigloss finish on Lionel postwar steamers.
The shells are identical. The difference is the trucks. The 2671 uses 6-wheel trucks and is the most desirable.
There are a number of electronic e-units available but finding space is going to be a problem. You’re probably going to have to mount the electronics in the tender. As long as you are going to do this have you considered just going all-in and doing a full an Electric Railroad TMCC conversion with sound?
At minimum consider a liquid smoke conversion in the locomotive.
IMO not necessary. When I got my 646 Hudson a couple or three years ago I was all concerned about putting a liquid smoke conversion. So I figured since I’d be replacing the smoke unit anyway I went ahead and ran liquid smoke in the OE unit. It has been smoking like a popular BBQ joint ever since. Needless to say I’ve left it in place.
I’m still very torn about the smoke unit. I had a 2055 a few years ago with a liquid smoke unit and it was fine, but on the other hand I think putting the pellet unit in it would be cool.
Also, in this photo it appears that one of the cab roof corners is a bit bent, which I was aware of before I paid for it. I remember seeing an article in CTT about fixing this, but of course no longer have the issue. Can anyone tell me how this can be fixed?
Your Tender shell is the 2671WX, which is the Lionel Lines shell and the three holes in the rear for the backup light kit. It came out in 1951-1952, and was the 12 wheel version. The 2671W was stamped “Pennsylvania” versus the “Lionel Lines” stamped 2671WX tender.
Project update: So as of now the shells (along with the shells of a 2351 observation car and 2343 F3, which are projects for a later date), are in my possession and are sitting on my bookshelf. The bent cab roof corner is actually not as bad as it seemed in the picture, and had I not seen it in the picture, I probably wouldn’t have noticed it, it’s so slight.
I’m currently considering the purchase of a chassis I have found; it has the wheels, rod assembly, motor, eunit, and smoke unit, all of which except the smoke unit work. I’m going to replace it with a liquid one anyway, so that’s no matter. It also comes with the steam chest, but it seems to have been sloppily welded or soldered together, so I’m probably going to replace it.
Since it’s a total rebuild with no collectible value, I’m going to customize it a bit. I’m going to give it a 2065 boiler front (I love the feed water heater) and buy a 2 wheel trailing truck as well as a 4 wheel trailing truck so I can switch it from a 2-8-2 to a 2-8-4 whenever the mood so strikes me. I will be lettering the tender for Lionel Lines and giving it the number 736 though, as I can’t really think of a fictional road name I really like. I may even give it a completely different tender, and save the 2671 for another project I may be tackling in the future. Color wise I’m still going for it’s original black, but I’m considering painting the cab roof red.
If anyone has any other suggestions, or any articles or threads they might want to recommend (especially on the tuning of motors and e units, should if be needed), please do!
This does not have nickel rims or drivers, this is a basic run-of-the-mill 736 chassis with sintered iron drivers in poor condition & needing a lot of work.
For this kind of $$ you can get a complete 736 in better condition that this at a meet or show.
Ah, my mistake. The description said nickle and I can’t really tell the difference.
While that may be true, that’s not the road I want to go. It’s a labor of love, really. I don’t much care for meets and shows, I feel so out of place and excluded by the older generations. I went to one once and was only acknowledged by a dealer when he realized I was about to drop about $400 at his table.
don’t judge all shows by a few inconcederate people. One thing I remember from my youth, is going to the US Air Force Museum with my Dad. We got to meet the Director. I had gotten used to being ignored while the adults talked. But Colonel Upstrum not only talked to Dad, but he talked to me, because he could see I had a real interest in the history. I still get ignored by dealers, but unless they have soething I really want, I buy elsewhere.