Results may be used to clarify semantics. [:D]
Oh, I am sure this poll will start off quite few responses. Personally, I play with trains. Yes, I operate, and the term “playing” maybe cause some pains from some but, if it isnt work, its playin’[:D]
To each his own.
I operat my model trains, in a way that means i play with tem.
Interesting terms.
Don’t forget guys that even with a lone “circle of track” you can still operate a train.
Years ago when my son was small, we’d set up an HO oval track around the Christmas tree with cheap Atlas “snap track”. There was one passenger station and a tiny trestle further up the line. The scenery was a “Christmas town” that consisted of Dollar Tree houses. That was it. The train was an Atlas FP7 with 3 Rivorossi New York Central cars.
I explained to my son that we were going to run the train like the real thing. He was interested!
With my Tech II 2500 we “operated”. Using the “Momentum” feature we took turns at taking off at realistic speeds. Once the train was up to a scale 60 mph, the Momentum was turned off. After running a certain amount of loops it was time for a “Station Stop”.
The “operations” challenge was to flip the Momentum switch on and try to stop the train smoothly with no more than 2 loops, at the station without shooting past it. Talk about a tough challenge! I even had a hard time (but we both had a lot of fun!). You had to start throttling down at the right point or the train would stop a foot or so beyond the station. In real life, the engineer would have caught some heat!
So this shows that no matter how simple a track plan is, simple OPERATIONS can be fun!
Because my layout is’nt complete,I spend a lot of time “playing” with my trains.Run a few engines,move a few cars,tweek some track/switch,install a signal or two,extend the loco net on my system,do some detailing,etc.,etc.So I’m still Playing.It may be a couple of years before I operate. defines the word operate (one of 5 different uses) is,
“To control the functioning of; run: operate a sewing machine”
So by that definition , I would say I dont play with trains.[^]
on the other side of the coin, one of the definitions of play is,
“To occupy oneself in amusement, sport, or other recreation: children playing with toys” Yes, I do use them for recreation too.[^]
So I guess its up to how YOUR opinion is as to why you do what you do with your trains.
Maybe we need a new word here,Ploperate?..OpLay? [}:)]
I think personally, I’ll go back to the term Practicing Ferroequinologist, it keeps em guessing.[;)] I’m not playing, or operating, I’m practicing! Some day, I might get it right!!![:D]
Both. When my boys and I are in the room we are playing trains. Making up stories as we go. When I am in the room on my own, I become all grown up and operate the layout.
I voted ‘operate,’ but am guilty of both of the above.
When operating, absolute adherence to the published timetable is required.
But sometimes, I just run something to watch the wheels roll - frequently something wildly inappropriate to my prototype, like a Norfolk and Western J on track that is nominally 3’6" gauge and would never have supported the axle loading of the J’s half-empty tender, never mind the locomotive. (So a J looks funny pulling JNR ‘blue’ passenger cars. So what!)
I usually model the spirit of my chosen prototype, but I’m not a slave to it.
Both as the mood strikes me.
I do both as the mood strikes. But, most of the time even my “playing” has an operational goal.
By the way, you forgot to put in an “other” option for Spacemouse! [:D]
Realistic operation when my layout is finished. The reason I am debating single track of double track is because if I just watch 2 trains run it seems like I’m playing with trains. But If 1 trains runs while I do some REALISTIC SWITCHING that would be better.
Assuming by “play” you mean just running the train to see it go and by “operate” you mean to cause the train to duplicate functions of the prototype, I would have answered both (as it would seem most of the other respondents would). Unfortunately the option wasn’t available.
I love…hmm…operating my railroad.
Happy Railroading.[swg][swg]
BOTH! - not an option on your survey.
I really like descriptive titles like this thread has.
I operate the lawn mower. I play with my trains.