Has anyone ever retruked a older tyco engine, i wnat to convert this spirit of "76 into a all whell pick-up and all whell drive form its 2 wheel pick up and 2 whell drive. Its a 4 axle 8 wheeled engine,I think it is a SD45T-2,I think! Thanks for the help.
I think it would be very difficult to replace the trucks on an older Tyco engine. All manufacturers use different mounting methods. Unless you had the trucks from a similar engine.
Might be easier to add the shell to an Athearn power chassis. I have no idea what might fit. A long time ago I added a GP30 shell (I forget the maker) to an Athearn GP-35 chassis. I had to make the mounts so it would fit, but it worked OK.
Bob Boudreau
If I rembmeber correctly the Tyco Spirit of 76 was an Alco C-430, Your best shot at giving this loco a good drive is a Hobbytown of Boston universal drive with Alco Trucks, do not use the one labeled for a C-430 it will not fit, I know. The other choice is Proto-Power West drive if they make one for the Tyco C-430. Both have webistes.