Forgive the ignorance - I’ve never “played” with DCC before.
My only experience with it was watching a modular club use it at a great american train show. (I might add, they said they loved it, but I kept seeing their system shut down every couple minutes when something shorted).
My question:
When you walk into your layout room after a hard days work and it’s time to “play trains”, do you have to call up the address of a locomotive? Like with DC for example, you flip the power switch, and crank the throttle and the train moves.
With DCC, do the engines remember “who they are”?, etc.? Or do you have to identify or choose them every time you boot up?
I would guess they would remember who they are when you last powered down. Is this the case?
Of course, the answer may depend on the manufacturer. Just trying to understand some of the basics here…
(and I know there are som pros on this site, and I’ll get a more thorough answer than if I bought a book on the subject which is likely outdated anyway).
Some purists would most certainly cringe at the thought, but there may be days when I just want to flip a power switch, and have my layout come to life instantly, without programming locos, etc. If this is possible with DCC, it will help my decision making process.
You know how it is - you have your father-in-law over, and want to show him your trains. It would be nice if I didn’t have to say, “hold on a minute while I program some engines…”
Then again, it would also be very nice to just hand him a DCC throttle, and have no discussion about DC blocks!!!