I am currently building my first permanent layout. I am using the Atlas DCC system to control it. It is not all that large, but it does have two reverse loops in it. I ordered an MRC Auto Reversing Module through my local hobby shop, and the guy there, who knows a lot about DCC, said that I could use the one module to control both reverse loops. I wanted to make sure he was right before I hooked up my expensive (to me) equipment, so I e-mailed MRC. I received a response from them that could have been taken either way. Can I use one module to control both loops? Any input on this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Yes you can in fact you can hook as many reversing sections as you want to one automatic reverser,…BUT you want to make sure that you do not have trains crossing more than one gap at any given time. The automatic reversing modules instantaneously detect the short that occurs as the locomotive crosses the gap, and reverses the polarity of the loop. If you cross more than one gap at a time, there maybe problems, the overload breaker will probably trip, shutting everything down and prevent damage.
A delay of a second is more than enough between locomotives crossing the gaps, so in practical terms, it is rarely an issue.
Have fun.
Thats what I thought. Thanks for the input.