Right Of Way Industries Saddleback 0-4-0 Tank Engine Questions

I picked up this spiffy little brass engine - numbered 729 for Southern Rwy - at a train show today. Came with a nice dark red box. But - no manual. I have a couple of questions and was hoping one of you guys might have one of these.

First, it has a smoke unit. But it has a smokestack with the little projection in the middle of the stack. I seem to recall reading something about not using Lionel or MTH smoke fluid in one of these things, that they were a Scheiff (?) unit and regular fluid could damage them. Am I right about this? What fluid should I use?

Second, it does not appear to have a whistle or bell, at least nothing happens when I activate the requisite buttons on the transformer. Am I correct in assuming it lacks both?

Third, lubrication. Any suggestions for lubrication other than what I have already done - a light coating on the rods and small drops on the axels?

Thanks for any help. The thing seems a bit noisy, which is another issue.

Smoke unit is a Seuth. It does use a different formulation for fluid with a lighter viscosity. I believe the LGB stuff works well.

That’s it - Seuth. Thank you! That’s one question answered.

ROW produced a Docksider back in the early 90’s. It had directional lighting, operating couplers a smoke unit and an electronic E unit. No sounds (probably no room).

Right-Of-Way did make a boxcar with sound for these engines. There should be 1 or 2 wire(s) at the back of the engine to connect with the sound car. I have seen one but I understand that these are scarce.


There is indeed such a wire at the back and I had no idea what it was for. Thank you!

Here are the entire Dockside Operating Instructions;

Engine operates best between 0-15V AC reversing switch is located under cab roof vent smoke unit on-off siwtch is located in front of smoke stack.

This engine is wired for sound with the optional box car you can have whistle bell and chug and air pumps.

This engine has been lubricated at factory so engine is ready to run. Add light oil to axle bearings, side rods and roller pick ups. and great to gear box after 1 hour break in time.

That’s all that came with this engine, it’s pretty neat and I wish I had that boxcar now.


John, thank you very much. I very much appreciate your posting these. I’ve been hitting the poor lil thing with 18 volts.

Seems like a very well made engine and I truly love the detail. Not a huge puller but adequate - four scale boxcars and an MPC caboose is about its functional limit. But certainly adequate and very good, like a BEEP, for PW operating cars.

I looked for that boxcar on ebay and got a resounding electronic, “Huh?”

The box car was of brass construction as well. Try looking for 3150S (with Sound).

I am going to look hard for the boxcar.

I will try to post a pic. Truly is a beautiful little engine. I was captivated by it.

I had a 2-6-6-2 C&O engine , ran very well, but no bell, whistle sounded like crap. I have another engine with the seuth smoke unit, works great with any smoke fluid.

Here’s an AT&SF one that’s currently on Trainz for $299.99: http://sap049.channeladvisor.com/p-194853-right-of-way-5200-atsf-0-4-0-saddle-tanker-exbox.aspx

I have the Chesapeake & Ohio 0-4-0 with the green Baltimore & Ohio Railway Express Agency boxcar with sounds. It no longer fits our operation and I am going to sell them. Where would be a good place to list them and what would be a fair price. Thank you, John

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