Right Track software Questions

here’s a place where you can post Q’s & A’s about the right track software.

How do the layers work and how do you conect them?

You really don’t connect layers per say.

You might use a layer for:

  1. benchwork
  2. walls
  3. 1 level of track
  4. scenery
  5. another level of track.

You can then hide or show these details at will. For example, if you’re doing benchwork you don’t need track or scenery.

To select a level, lay down an element. Right click on it, and select “Properties” from the menu. One of the options should be “Layer”

You know, I never did figure that out myself. I just disconnected the last piece of track going up or down to the next level, erased everything else, and then saved them under names like 100, 101, 102,…to signify the level. It’s kind of goofy, but it works.

Can you create your own, for example, pieces of track. Maybe buildings?

Everything on there is Atlas stuff, although there is flex track and some Cornerstone buildings.

flex track is by atlas.but they let you use structures form other companies.

I mean make your own buildings and stuff and put them into RTS? Is there a program that makes the files that write new track/building files?

Speaking of making your own stuff…is it possible to create your own radius curves? I know the track library comes with 15, 18, & 22 inch curved sections, but it is possible to, say create a 30 inch raduis peice and be able to use it anywhere? Right now, all I know how to do is place the straight peices horizontally, then using the grid measurements attempting to corectly achive a 30 inch raduis arc, place a few straight pieces vertically, and then connect the two straight segments with the flex track option. Is there a way to create a 30 inch sectional piece, say only a quarter of a turn, so that I can more easily create non 90 degree turns with a minimum raduis of 30 inches?

Did I confuse anyone? Any and all comments/suggestions/advise welcomed.



Yes, you can do that. Select, “Special”, then “Shape Flex Track”. In the dialog box that opens, select either left or right curve. (Whichever works for you, but it really doesn’t matter since you can flip them once they’re created.)

Then, for your example of a 30-inch radius that’s a quarter of a 90-degree turn, simply enter 30 into the radius box and 22.5 (90 divided by 4) into the angle box. Click “OK”, then drop the element on the plan and connect it.

I do this all the time and it works fine. For example, I might use an 80.5 degree angle to create a 90-degree turn coming off a #6 turnout (9.5 degree frog angle).


Not that I’m aware of. RTS is actually an older version of WinRail, which is alive and well and available for purchase here: http://www.winrail.com/ . The ability to draw and save custom track and buildings is available in the DeLuxe commercial version, but my guess is that Gunnar Blumert, the author, doesn’t want to undermine his commercial sales too much and has removed those abilities from the free versions.


Steve -

That tip worked perfectly. Now I can design my layout with my originally-planned larger radius curves. Thanks a million!!!


I didn’t know that either. Boy, I love this forum. Thank you.

I used it to plan my entire double deck 36x20 layout. I used the layers to distinguish connecting railroads as well as 1st and 2nd level track work.

It did take awhile to learn how to use it effectively, but now that I have the hang of it, I love it.

I have used the RTS software and created 7" radius curves for the streetcar section of my Xmas layout for the past 3 years. The process is the same as described previously. Just set a horizontal straight section and then a vertical straight section (using the measurement guides to set the difference at 7") then install the flex track and shape to the radius. I would design a layout, print it out, scan it into my pc, and then use microsoft paint to color in details. Saves a ton on paper. This year I even built a mockup out of cardboard with the track plan and realized it would never work !! I’m at the foam stages now and find all this info invaluable.

For those of you who use and like this software, I have another question…if you don’t mind.

How can one zoom or set the viewing window. For example, I am designing a 25 x 25 layout. With a zoom level of 40, I can see then entire room, but when it comes to placing track, its awefully small. When I set the zoom level smaller, at say 10, the viewing window defaults to upper left hand corner of my “room” where the “x” and “y” coordinates are 0 and I can only see about a 5 x 5 section of the room. I can then NOT scroll down or across to the remaining parts of my room. Unfortunately, my layout will not have any track in the upper left corner. I would really like to able to scroll down and across so that I may place track with a more “close-up” view of what I’m doing.

Anyone have any suggestions??? (that is if I didn’t confuse you)

Any and all help welcomed. Thanks!!!

Open the view menu, select properties, desktop, and near the bottom you can set the size of the desktop. Then you will have slider bars available to move around in the layout.

It is set small by default because the larger you set it the more memory it requires.