Ring terminal for 1-72 screw?

While a dup from the eletronic forum, wasn’t sure whether I’d get an answer faster here or there. Cheers!

Can anyone pls suggest where to purchase ring terminals for 1-72 srews? They are to connect wires to a screw that’s through the Atlas turnout hole to power the frogs and remotely switch the throwbars. Of course open to other ideas.

I scoured online and talked to an electronic supply store associate. The largest I can find is a #2 which, from an earlier discussion here, suffices for a 2-56 screw.

I only have a handful of Atlas turnouts with the metal frog. On those I threaded a brass screw, slotted round head, and when the screw was ‘snug’ I filed the slot just a bit and soldered the wire in the groove.

No terminal necessary.

More here:


further discussion here:


Good Luck, Ed

A short piece of brass strip and drill bits in a Dremel tool and you can whip up a half dozen or more in no time. Get a thin enough sheet and cut them out with scissors.


Just get some #1-72 washers. Put one on the screw to clamp the #2 terminal.

Great idea! I ordered the terminals, so all set! Shockingly, there are vendors for things outside Amazon, online train stores, ebay, etc.!