Ringling and Barnum and Bailey Circus Train spotted at Florence....

for a crew change with elephants in tow for there last ride.

Any photos of it? I saw it once and that was really cool.

The elephants have perdormed with Circus’ for something on the order of 120 years(?). Now they are going into retirement and Cancer Research… See linked article @ http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/12/us/ringling-circus-elephants-take-early-retirement-to-florida.html?_r=0http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/12/us/ringling-circus-elephants-take-early-retirement-to-florida.html?_r=0

Sad to note that seemingly the only people who will feel good and ‘enjoy’ this exercise are the animal rights activists. Apparently, there is some concern that the area in Florida is nothing like the natural environment elephants inhabit’ in the wild’? There is some concern that the animals will be ‘bored’…boredom can lead to mischievious behavior, apparently, in animals, as well as humans? Might they partk their old railcar transports alongside their new home, so the elephants can learn to’ tag’ them… [:-^]

See this linked article @ http://cbsport.org/2016/05/ringling-bros-and-barnum-bailey-circus-retire-elephants-in/

RB&Bs railroad cars have to be the oldest passenger cars in regular use on the system. 6 axle cars heavy steel. Also possibly longer then the auto train. Wonder what it would take and how much $$$$$ to bribe someone to ride rare milage.

Put your circus act together and get RBBB to put you in their Circus and you can ride all their mileage.

Demonstrating an ability to handle a shovel full of excrement; should get you to the head of their line…Not to mention rides in one of those Menagerie Cars…[C):-)]

The one thing plentiful around a menagerie is ‘output’,[^o)] the missing ingredient is enough labor trolls, able to demonstrate hands-on manure scooping abilities. [:-^]

The stablehand has the best ride he gets to ride up front with the door open


RBB Circus Train has had a recent boo boo- http://www.nbc12.com/story/31759093/ringling-brothers-circus-train-smashes-into-car

And after you are experienced shoveling BS (or elephant poop) you will be qualified to go into public relations or politics!

I saw the Ringling Brothers circus train pass through Richmond not long ago and was VERY disappointed! Where were the giraffe cars with the giraffe heads bobbing up and down?

Oh, 'scuse me, only the Lionel giraffe cars did that. Maybe this belongs on the “Classic Toy Trains” site. Ever look in there? It’s fun!

And speaking of shoveling…

This guy was visiting the circus and saw a worker shoveling up the elephant doots. “Oh man,” he said to the worker, “What a lousy job! Can’t you find anything else?”

The shoveler replied “What? And leave show business?”