Rivarossi GM&O HO Observation coach

I have been looking for this Rivarossi GM&O Observation Coach for so,e time now to complete my passenger train. Does anyone have one they would sell me? Or know of one for sale.

email me with info please.


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Please remember that the ability to view member profiles to get email addresses is one of those things some of us can’t do and doesn’t seem to be getting worked on. Posting one’s email address publicly is generally not advised, either. PMs used to exist but I can’t receive one of those, either. We are also advised not to advertise other sites that might have these features.

Model Railroading is a friendly, cooperative and congenial hobby, and we’d all like to stay within the rules while we try to help each other out, but attempts to “monetize” sites like this rather than support the hobby can make that difficult.

Robert, is it a heavyweight version or the smooth-sided lightweight streamliner version?