Rivarossi H8 Class Allegheny

I ordered an extra front driver set so I could utilize the middle driver to replace the driver in the rear which uses a traction tire. I hate traction tires. Anyway, I somehow managed to break the tiny screw that secures the crank eccentric right where it connects to the third driver. I know the size of this screw is on the order of 1mm or so, but I don’t know the exact size. I have been working with Golf Manor hobbies on this but as of now I have not found the correct screw size. I have also contacted Walthers But they could not find the screw either.
You would think that the screw would come in the assembly.
Any ideas???

Maybe Hornby has the part, since they purchased Rivarossi. They should have at least one, because they’ll be bringing the 2-6-6-6 back out later this year.[:D][:D][:D]


Thanks for the info

Have you checked the LHS for the Hobbits line of small screws and parts you might find something usable from that.

That would be your best bet is the LHS, take the engine with you and the tools to install it, I have done this before. Make sure you buy some items and give them a small tip for finding you the screw you need. They could have something laying in around in used parts though.