Rivarossi Heisler

On a number of occasions on a few train sites it has been stated that the Rivarossi Heisler was not to scale. It was estimated to be 10% - 15% too large.

I have one of the Rivarossi Heisler. While I have had this engine a few years now I only added the DCC decoder to this engine recently.

I recently bought a brass Heisler and compared it to the Rivarossi Heisler. I measured both engines and coupler to coupler they are exactly 6.25" from the front coupler to the rear ccoupler.

Hopefully everyone will note that the scales are of the same size. (Lengh)

6.25 inches is about 45’ in HO. A 70 ton two truck Heisler total length was 44’ 2". Sounds close to me.

Info: ‘The Heilser Locomotive 1891-1941’ by Ben Kline, Jr.

Actually, most HO models of geared locmotives are signficantly over-sized, including brass.

That said, Heislers, Shays, and Climaxes were available in a wide variety of sizes. Most models (Roundhouse Shay, PFM B-2 Shays, Rivarossi Heisler to name a few) scale to match a much larger prototype than their manufacturers claim. Logging railroads seldom used very large geared locomotives until the 1920s and after, with Westside logging being the well-known exception. Mining railroads had a need for heavier (larger) geared steam. But at least in the West, in almost all cases, the logs or mines were at a higher elevation than the sawmill or receiving facility.

The Model Railroader review of the 2 truck RR Heisler stated that it scaled out to approximately the dimensions of one of the largest Heislers ever made.

The whole point of geared steam was to let a small locomotive do the work of a much larger one. The trade-off was a very slow top speed (compared to rod engines). Early models (from the '50s through '70s) of geared steam tended to be oversize to accommodate motors of the day.

just my thoughts, your choices

Fred W

The “too large” claim hasn’t bothered me, not everyone used those little diminutive locos. Especially In the Pacific northwest, big mills big companies. Not everything was a run down living on the edge affair.

The locos below looks to me to be the just right. [8D] The two truck shay in Libby fits my Bachmann 2T just right.

I’d be interested to see a photo of your “Rivarossi Climax”, as I didn’t know that they made one.

Also, comparing one model to another model is not a verification of prototypical size. One must compare to data of actual locomotives to make that determination. While some Heislers were of the size in the Rivarossi HO model, most Heislers produced were considerably smaller.
