Rochelle Cam

On my new laptop … on the cam I can not get past the white … “initializing site cam live” screen … whats goin on? how should i fix it?


bumping … i really would like help on this

Go there yourself!
I went there over the summer, and It’s great being there in person!
They have a picnic shelter, and a gift shop! (I got a KATO SD40-2 in Santa Fe for only $50 there!!!)

That’s a long haul from Ontario. Next best, makes a video,“Sunrise to Sunset”.
A day at Rochelle where many-many UP & BN rattle across the diamonds. 60 minutes, 1999 release.

I usually get the same thing, the white screen. In my case it has to do with the firewall. I’ve got a Norton firewall. I always have to turn the “Privacy Protection” off, then the cam works. As soon as the cam works you can turn whatever it is you have to turn off back on. This is how it always works for me, hopefully this is the case for you. I hope this works out!

The vid is a good idea, but going there yourself IS worth the short drive you have!
I ahd to go a few thousand kilometers to get there! Maybe next time I should just fly…