Rochelle Webcam

Any else have difficulty seeing the pix? [:(]

I was there earlier and caught the end of an UP coal train with ex SP unit as a dpu. Went to look at recent pics, went back to railcam and got initializing cam, but nothing happened,must be down.

Thanks good to know it was not me. My story is exactly the same as your. Hope T/magazine knows. [:(]

The good people at Rochelle are having some network issues, and expect the problem to be rectified within a couple hours.

I dared, and wow! Thanks for the update, now can we get them a better camera? [:D]

EDIT nice camera you use for your shots, but umm…it’s not exactly cheap [:p]

It’s not the camera (well, it could be, partly)- it’s the bandwidth, and it costs money.

I just pulled up the webcam; didn’t have any trouble, but nothing on the
tracks, either.

Larry, I’ve been viewing thier pictures off and on over the course of the year, I doubt it’s a bandwidth problem, because even on the good days, the image is of poor quality. it looks as if they’re using your basic Quickcam (low quality, low compression) for a PC, instead of a better high quality, High Compression Digital camera set up. Now today, yes it’s having bandwitdh problems, sicne you get occasional loss of image and packet loss indicators.

The idea of bigger and better for Rochelle has been discussed many times. Right now we’re seeing 2-4 second refreshes, and can have something like 5 concurrent viewers. Improving the camera image will likely require more bandwidth, meaning someone has to pony up for the bandwidth, or we have to settle for less frequent views or fewer concurrent viewers.

Mr Yuhas can elaborate.

You mean like the Ft Madison web cam? Your only allowed a Max of 15 mins of cam time before the cam goes “Disconnected”.

A little, perhaps. Our setup uses an industrial grade Sony video camera that provides reasonably good resolution. The live and still images you see are scaled to about 50% of the camera’s normal capability. We’ve experimented with 100% images, but they tend to look like video captures, which is essentially what they are. At 100%, we could offer larger size, but at no perceptible increase in quality – and we’d eat up bandwidth at a rate 4X what we use now.

Larry is correct: we could offer more (larger images, less compressed and higher quality images, faster live image refreshes, and more concurrent users) but the bandwidth price would be prohibitive. We want to keep the Rochelle webcam free to all our users [:)]

While I’m here, one more thing…

Just so we’re clear, when you click the “Click here if you dare” link in my signature, you’re taken to my own personal website, where I showcase some of my off-hours railroad

well i Knew it was your personal site, but it’s missing some steam [;)]

I know that im gona get yelled at for saying this but,TRAIN.COM…What is the Point of haveing a Web Cam on during the Night time when you can’t even see the Trains? BNSFrailfan.

I watch it at night… The lights of the trains are very pretty.

You would too.

Its a 24/7 thing also people like in Calif 2 hours behind CST people can at least look in & see the bright lites as they go by. I watch it sometimes @ 0500 CST & find it kind of neat. [:D]

Originally posted by BNSF railfan.

Then all you have to do is hit your refresh button! Works everytime[:D][:D]

Originally posted by BNSF railfan.


I am in here a dark-30 in the morning and enjoy seeing the lights coming down the track toward me!


It is too bad that TRAINS is not able to make significant improvements with it’s Rochelle webcam and still keep this service free to their users. I wi***he picture could be a lot sharper, and it has an overall gray tone to it, which I do not care for. But still, watching it has become somewhat adictive to me. I watched five trains roll past the camera within the space of about an hour. And that’s more than what I am used to seeing here at home.

My logic is something is better then nothing. Have you tried the Ft. Madison cam? If I had my druthers I could think of spots that would give more typical RR action then Rochelle. But I really/truly appreciate Trains for doing it & allowing us access. [:o)][:I]

Originally posted by CANADIANPACIFIC2816