I am modeling a rock cliff face on my layout. What would be the easiest way to do this? I have the strata stone mold from Woodland Scenics. Should I just use the bricklaying method and apply rock molds to the entire cliff face?
PostDog…what is the faces base? What kind of skeleton are you using?
one way that i have used has been make the rough outline out of scrap foam…then apply sculptamold…work with a fork, aspoon and a knife (NO… DO NOT EAT) until you are happy wiith it …wait till dry …take the darkest colour for deep shadows thined with alcohol and dribble on…next go with the base colour of the region of choice and apply …after that dries go with a hi lite colour like fog or cotton and dry brush…apply ground and it looks great…Just something I have tried…good Luck…J.W.