Can anyone comment on this individual and his products as to how long it takes to fill an order and their quality?
Never heard of this guy. Do you have a link for us to check him out?
Hopefully his tools are better than his graffiti work…[:-^]
Interesting. Certainly some of those things could come in very handy. My friend who I help with his N scale layout has a mill and so forth and makes a lot of things himself - I could probably make something similar with his tools. On my previous layout I made up a parallel tool out of plastic to keep my yard tracks in line. Metal would last longer.
The graffiti car looks pretty well done, if you’re into that sort of thing. It does say he copied it from an actual photo of the car, so the actual ‘designs’ aren’t his.
I purchased 5 of his tools on eBay in November of 2005. I have yet to receive them. Since none of them were over $20 at the time and eBay considered it to be 5 seperate transactions (even though they were paid in one transaction) I had no buyer protection and my money was pffffft.
He was the first person to stiff me on eBay, but fortunately, after 1000+ transactions, there have only been 2 for a total of about 80 bucks.
About 6 months after the fact, I recieved an email from him explaining why I hadn’t gotten them and telling me that they would be shipped out as he “caught up” with the backlog due to his problems. So, apparently, he’s still catching up.
Scratch that turkey. Anyone who is that irresponsible doesn`t get my business. Thanks for the warning. This guy sounds like he works only when he needs beer money.