Roller Coasters

I read a while back that riding on a roller coaster was considered rail mileage.
Therefore this could be considered, in a way, some form of legitimate train. I can`t say I agree. What do you all think? And does anybody actually model something like this? I think MR did have one a while back.

Here’s a link to a model rollercoaster site.

I had seen another but can’t access it now.

months ago, in the UFO’s discussion I surmised that an alien railroad might look something like our (earth’s) rollercoasters… I’m planning to make a mock roller coaster / alien railroad using pipecleaners…max friction
this would be put on the spoofed side of the railroad model

I think that a roller coaster theme park in an urban scene would be terrific, but I’ve not heard of it being done yet, there are some kits for other amusement rides however, and they would tie in nicely.
Have fun with the roller coaster idea.

One of my old, old, old layouts looked like roller coaster. All it lacked was a loop the loopy thing to qualify.

I hadn’t ever really thought of a roller coaster as a train. However, if you think about it, it could be. A roller coaster is a consist of boxcars with steel wheels rolling on rails. Although it is powered by gravity rather than an engine, in a “weird science” sorta way it could be construed as a train.

They certainly look like a cog railway with an amazing hump yard to me.

If you want to build your own working model, check out:
