I have recently aquired a Postwar Lionel 3444 Cop and Robber Gondola. While cleaning it I made the BIG MISTAKE of using a cleaning solution that attacked the white graphics on the sides of the red gondola. I sure learned my lesson about cleaning cars and I do remember reading that you should use mild dishwashing soap and gently clean them. So now I have a solid red gondola with no graphics. The gondola runs perfectly but looks a little sad running around my layout without proper graphics on the side. Does anyone make decal sets or rub on letters for postwar Lionel items? Or is it possible to purchase a repro part of the red gondola part? Help!
If you can find the display at a local hobby shop you may have a better chance at matching the old lettering/numbering. Most of the original cars were “pad printed” so there probably isn’t a water slide decal set available.
There’s a big factor to consider here before starting any decal process… decals need a glossy surface to adhere properly to. Decals do have the advantage of being able to be futzed with as you place them and align them. Dry transfers require a very good eye and a very steady hand to do properly. And even with dry transfers, you are going to want to protect these with a gloss or dull cote of some kind.
The 3444 is an unpainted molded red gondola body. I haven’t tried this with your car, but I have successfully gloss coated postwar Lionel cars, such as unpainted Lehigh Valley hoppers and have added additional decals to these. What I would suggest is check out the decal sources and see what there is that you like. I have jused many of the brands metioned above and like Microscale the most. I also like the generic date sets from Rail Graphics.
Clean the car body. If you do not want to pull the whole thing apart, mask off the top part of the car above the body rim using masking tape and a cut plastic bag. You can use lunch baggies wrapped tightly around each truck. Then use a plastic safe gloss coat spray paint to cover the car body. A couple light coatings will do. Let this dry as per instructions and don’t decal for a full 24 hours. After letting all decals dry, you’ll want to gloss coat again, followed by a couple coatings of Testor’s Dull Cote. After this, using some Interior Armor All will give the car a nice protective sheen.
You can avoid some of this work by using some products made by Microscale. They make a gloss solution, and a satin and dull solution that you brush on. The gloss would be brushed on where ever you are placing decals. The satin or dull would cover the decal area when dry. I’ve never tried this though on an unpainted car body, so I don’t know how well it will blend with the unpainted red plastic car body.
If you never have done any decal or dry transfer work, you might want to let someone else do the work for you, or practice on some ot
Well, maybe a few of the little ones living in that area have seen or heard of the RF&P, but from around the rest of the country, almost all the little ones have seen or heard of N&S & CSX & the other big RRs, which may be the point Brianel may be trying to make !!