Roofing Question

I built a train shed and for the roof deck I used some hardboard paneling, I would like to attach some soda cans to the roof for roofing material. Any suggestions on how to attache the aluminum cans to the hardboard paneling?

Hot Glue.


I used a DAP product call “Clear Flexible Sealant”. It came in a caulk tube. Last time I looked for it in the home depot, it was called something else. You can also use silicone, liquid nails or GOOP.


I have been semi successful at gluing the cans with dual temp hot glue. It does glue down but it sometimes pops up.


Not sure of your location, that has some effect on what will work. I’ve tried “liquid nails”, “GOOP” and several clear silicone sealants. What has worked the best for me is MARINE GOOP Sealant. Marine GOOP last about 4 years, at least for me, the others last 1~2 years.

Thanks for the input. Sounds like I have some things to try. I am in Amarillo TX, by the way.

