Roundhouse 4-6-2 Annoucements?

Has there been any news recently about the upcoming re-release of the Genesis 4-6-2? I assume it is still planned. The Roundhouse web page is so out of date, I wonder why they bother with it as a seperate entity.

Roundhouse is not even a separate company or brand anymore, that’s why their web site has not been updated since they were sold to Athearn. Former Roundhouse products are being re-released as Athearn RTR or Genesis, so you have to look on the Athearn web page to see what’s being offered.

And there’s no mention there of any plans to release any steam engines

I guess the below site has been a figment of my imagination which amazes me because I use the below site to order replacement Roundhouse steamer parts. Go figure.

An alleged release date is March 2010. Maybe that is not real either.



The site you referenced has a link to the Roundhouse web page. Perhaps you should check before offering advice.

That’s a new one on me. I see that this site is operated by Horizon Hobby, not Athearn. Horizon Hobby also owns Athearn. I guess Horizon inherited all of the leftover parts when they bought Roundhouse and Athearn in separate transactions, and then transferred responsibility for reproducing Roundhouse products to Athearn. Very confusing situation.

I see the 4-6-2 page on the Roundhouse web site was updated and indicates the new 4-6-2 will the Tsunami sound board. I assume that the MSP was updated.

Will be a reasonable priced engine when it finally makes it’s debut.


I saw a couple messages somewhere a few years ago the River City Railroad had bought up the old stock and was selling it on ebay. I have purchased from RR RR. In fact they sent me an email a few years ago on this issue.

I have belonged to over a dozen mrr groups the past eight years and I see a lot more than if I was on one or two forums. I have watched the Roundhouse site for at least four years and have posted info about Roundhouse many times here.

I was told by Athearn and so have others who inquired from Athearn that they have no old stock.

This issue comes up in the Yahoo mdcroundhouse Group quite often from people out of the loop.


It’s not confusing at all, and Athearn/Roundhouse/Horizon have clearly explained it a number of times.

Athearn AND Roundhouse are model train brand names owned and used by Horizon. Athearn and Roundhouse are operated by the Athearn division of Horizon.

Regardless of the who sold a particular product before Horizon ownership, the Roundhouse name is now reserved for HO products that represent older prototypes or “old timer” stuff, basicly pre WWII.

All other products have been moved to the Athearn line, and in fact some MDC/Roundhouse tooling has replaced a number of Athearn items.

The Roundhouse web site is limited because of the limited scope of the line, but it has clearly listed the upcoming 4-6-2 for some time. And yes updates to it do seem to be slower than the Athearn site.

There is lots of “new” Roundhouse product in all the well stocked shops I go in, and plenty is listed/advertized on the web and in magazines.

I’m sure Athearn/Roundhouse is not happy about whatever problems that have delayed the 4-6-2, as it is not their usual mode of operation to announce and not deliver at least close to on time.

But, as I have said before, they will get here when the ship gets here.


If there is a separate “Round House” website, it is probably only maintained by Athearn/Horizon for those who haven’t gotten into the 20th century regarding the aquisition and who now runs the show. A website like that probalby helps those folks still searching for Round House products under the old name rather than the Athearn/MDC name.

There are lots of other examples of former Round House/MDC products being sold under Athearns name - like the upgraded MDC Thrall coal gondola’s used in unit trains, or many of the MDC freight cars upgraded and sold in RTR form. Some may still be packaged as MDC labeled cars or some may be sold in Athearn boxes now. It partly depends on when the production was done too. Many of the former MDC products have been very nicely upgraded btw.

20th century? LOL!

And as stated above, Roundhouse is the “old” equipment line of Athearn/Horizon.

OK let’s run thru this again…Athearn and Roundhouse are both brand names owned / distributed by Horizon Hobbies. Horizon has an Athearn website and a Roundhouse website. (The bottom of the page on the Roundhouse website says “Copyright © 2005-2010 Roundhouse Trains, a division of Horizon Hobby, Inc.”)

Each website shows the current and recently produced products available under the respective brand names. It’s no different than say GM choosing to have separate websites for Chevrolet and Cadillac.

The info I posted comes directly from Athearn/Roundhouse - you can read it on the Roundhouse web site - that does exist. Again, the Roundhouse name is now used only for the earlier era products in HO.

The wooden, open plateform passenger cars, wooden box cars, outside braced box cars, AND, early steam like the latest versions of the Roundhouse “old timer” and the USRA light Pacific which is being modelded “as built” this time around.

NONE of the current “Roundhouse” name products are found on the Athearn site - BUT previous, more modern prototype Roundhouse products that have been moved to the Athearn line are found on the Athearn site, and they now come in Athearn boxes. While those products still listed on the Roundhouse site, come in boxes that say Roundhouse.


Athearn website with a link to the Roundhouse website.


Why “run through this again”? I can understand basic things - I have a masters degree in science! (no seriously!). I’m aware that Horizon owns Athearn and a number of formerly independant names in the hobby. I will say that there is some “blurring” of the products. So you saying each product is remaining distictive like Chevrolet and Cadillac isn’t entirely true. Or else why am in possession MDC Thrall gondolas in an Athearn labeled package? Not long ago those same gons in kit form were being sold online by MDC’s own website.

Those products, and similar products I own like RTR 40’ steel box cars, were manufactured, packaged, marketed and sold before Horizon owned MDC. They came in Roundhouse packages then, but are now in the Athearn line.


If your referring to my example above (upgraded MDC RTR Thrall gons) when you say “those products” then no, those were definitly manufactured, packaged and marketed after Horizon owned MDC. I’m pretty sure John Enstrom would have confirmed this yesterday if I would have asked him at his booth at the Chantilly WGH show.

Indeed, MDC did market RTR freight cars independantly beforer Horizon for a short time. Anyway, MDC’s product line has been integrated slowly into the Athearn banner, although that metemorphosis may not be complete yet depending on how Horizon wants to brand or market the various heritage lines.

I do not know how they compare but River City Railroad is still selling the 40’’ Roundhouse closed door and open door freight car kits, plus other Roundhouse rolling stock kits. It was my understanding they bought out the remaining MDC/Roundhouse stock some years ago. They have been selling this stuff for at least three years so I think they are getting stuff from some other place.

I asked them in an email about how much stuff is left but they did not answer.


If one signs up for Athearn’s newsletter you will see the newsletter will at times include Roundhouse products as well as the new Athearn products.

OK, there may well have been some overlap as Horizon took control and intergrated MDC into Athearn. But the point remains that the roll of the Roundhouse brand for the future has been clearly stated by Horizon. MDC had actually done a number of upgrades to a number of products before the Horizon take over. I will admit that since it is out of my era, I don’t know the product developement details of the product you mentioned.

Yes, the Athearn news letter shows the Roundhouse products under a seperate Roundhouse banner.
