I have a fleischman round house 9 stall @ 7.5degrees Kit # 6476 . I’m trying to install it on our layout along with a walthers 90ft. Turntable . Having problems getting the tracks to line up with the roundhouse. Can any one help with this? How far back does the TT need to be from the center to the roundhouse. Any Help would be greatly appreciated.
Svein your math is correct, though i do not understand the question. It could be done easily on the layout, with a little bit of tinkering. It might be a different probelm…are the angles of the turntable and the roundhouse the very same?
If this is the case and the fixed index angles don’t match, could the indexing be eliminated and control turntable by momentary toggle for the roundhouse track alignment? Then roundhouse position can be set by stall radians to turntable center as usual.
Thank you for your information. However, there is a slight problem with it. The formula works very well in placing the tracks correctly for the center stall and the two end stalls. The problem though is that there isn’t enough room for tracks coming from the other 6 stalls that are spaced between the ends and center.
Prototypically, did the tracks curve between the turntables and roundhouses or did they cross one another? (ie: one rail from one track coming out of a stall would cross the track of another stall close to the turntable.)
If the turntable is moved closer to the roundhouse, there isn’t a straight run from the stalls to the turnable which won’t work.
Do you know of any type of book or literature about roundhouses and turntables? I just don’t know what the heck I’m doing and I would really like to do this correctly.