I want a roundhouse on my S gauge layout but have found that buying one is far outside my preset price range.
I’ve seen a really nice roundhouse on
Carl’s S gauge empire
He made it out of two O gauge engine sheds.
Any other advice on kitbashing, scratchbuilding a roundhouse?
Thanks for any help
The best article I’ve seen on scratchbuilding a roundhouse:
Model Railroader, August 1996, page 74-79
“Design & build a Brick Roundhouse” by Bill Darnaby
Not only does he go into detail on how he built one for his LARGE home layout, but Bill goes into how to design the footprint of the roundhouse to suit your own lauyout. Definitely look for that issue, or call MR for a photocopy of the article.
Try looking on ebay they have cheap prices goodluck
That August '96 article is quite nice. There is a second part to it (either July or September - I can’t remember which) that explains stem engine servicing overall, so you can get a feel for the entire “shop” - inlcuding water tower, sanding, coaling, ash pit, etc. Worth picking up as a back issue. It might also be contained in Kalmbach’s new book about steamers, but I do not know for sure.
Another Kalmbach book - trackside structures you can build has two nice plans - one for a roundhouse, and one for a single stall engine house, complete with detailed plans and elevations, and an explanation of the interiors too.