Roundhouse interior flooring

I have constructed my roundhouse with a cork floor to raise it to proper height. Their are currently inspection pits from peco installed in several stalls. I am debating how to fini***he floor area since their is cork, white plastic, and grey plastic showing at present. I have been considering fitting sheeting that would look like wood block flooring that I had worked on in a factory years ago. Or perhaps some type of brick surface. Looking for ideas on what to use as I havent been able to locate anything sutable and photos I have dont show the floors of roundhouses very well. The roundhouse is a Vollmer 6 stall HO kit.

You could put in brick (Holgate and reynolds) and paint it a dark brown for wood block. Or brick color for brick.

Dave H.

I would go for wood flooring - with maybe a concrete pit with an angle-iron edge.

Here is a shot of an interior in a roundhouse in BC. There is dirt/cinders/gravel(?) between the tracks.

With a 2-8-0 (different roundhouse I think)

This is an aside - a roundhouse without a turntable…

Hope that helps.


I worked at the roundhouse at OrovilleCa, Western Pacific. It was all concreat except for the wheel pit. It was originally gravel accaount of fire, then later concreat. Later they built a wheel pit (start 0f diesel) The drop pit elevator dropped down about twenty feet and was mounted on a track. We dropped the wheel set, rolled the elevator under two other roundhouse tracks, the raised the wheel pit elevator up to ground level, A crane car then partualy lifted it and pulled it further to the wheel shop area. Opps I degresed a bit…The floors were very grubby with a build up of about 1/2 inch of hard crud. Labors would use a long handled scraper to chip it loose, shovel it in a wheelbarrow and take it outside, of which is illigal as heck now, But then WP was on the enviromental cleanup list af which cost big bucks.