RR Car Ferry "Transfer"

I am building a model of this ferry, which sailed between Detroit and Windsor Ontario from the late 1800’s until the late 30’s. Originally owned by the Michigan Central, it was sold to the Wabash at some point. I have plans from the Dossin Great Lakes Maritime Museum. I would appreciate any leads on where more info about this ship can be found. I have found photos showing the ship had 3 tracks, interestingly the plans show 2 tracks…one of the many mysteries about this ship. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Are the pictures and plans of the same boat?

The transfer (I) built in 1873, condemed 1888. I do not know the number of tracks, but it was smaller than its replacement, the Transfer(II) which had 3 tracks.

A drawing and photo of the Transfer (II) here:


on page 33.

The Wabash bought the Transfer (II) in October 1912, Page 46.

They sold the Transfer (II) to the Pine Ridge Navagation Company in June 1938. The Transfer (II) was scraped im 1940 , page 50.

Thanks for the reply and the book reference (which I happen to own). According to my plans (drawn in 1959) the ship it represents was built by Cleveland Ship Building in 1888. I also have been able to obtain the dimensions of the second Transfer from the Wabsah Historical Society and those dimensios match my plan. So, other than having 2 tracks (and the name Transfer not Transfer II), I think my plan is of the second Transfer. I am guessing that after MCRR sold it to Wabash they added a third track and tore off half the length of the deck cabins (my plan shows cabins almost the entire hull length). Sure would like to solve these mysteries. What would really help is better info on the shape of the bow and stern, as the plan lacks detail in that area… even a good photo of those areas would help. Thanks again.