Ruby running dry


Hi I dont run steam but I would check with maker as to boiler running dry before gas goes, Do it quickly or you may find you will need a hew boiler. Orther opion is less gas. Hope this helps

I have a Mimi, which is the 2-4-2 equivalent of the Ruby with an added tender, and my gas always runs out before the water. Your gas reservoir may somehow be overfilling. My suspicion is the butane filler valve is not functioning properly and is letting it overfill.


I don’t know who you bought your kit from, but contact Cliff at Accucraft, or Royce at Quisenberry Station and get yourself a Goodall valve and pump bottle. You don’t say if your safety is opening or not, but that could waste a lot of water if it is. If so, you may want to turn down the fire, or stretch the spring for a higher pressure or purchase a ‘pop’ valve from one of the suppliers mentioned. A Goodall valve is a must for live steamers! Good luck.

Hi Plumbfish. How did you go with the Ruby? I have the IDA, same as the Ruby but a saddle tank version. I got mine a few months ago, already assembled, but have had exactly the same issues as yourself. Steam up is 5min, run time about 10min. For me steam and gas seem to run out at the same time. The IDA has a pressure guage and blows at 40PSI. I have tried stopping it from blowing off by turining the butane right down, I have tried turning it up so I go through it quicker. Neither makes a difference. I now just stop it 8 min into the run. Any info you have found would be appreciated.