I’ve just started railroading again after a hiatus of many years. I am running a small Lionel layout using FasTrack, but I also have a 1960s-era Marx switchman’s tower that activates via the train passing. The connectors are designed for tubular track. The tower connections are a rail that goes under the outside tubular rail and the clip-type connectror that goes on the third rail. However, since FasTrack isn’t tubualr, how can I attach the wires? Can I use the FasTrack accessory power set that inludes a rail section with two connecting wires and two short isolating pieces that go on either end of the activation track?
Pretty sure that FasTrack accessory activator would do the job.
Jim K
Revolver323 - First off —> [#welcome].
I use MARX #74 semaphores on my layout. One is wired directly to an insulated stretch of track, the other uses the activation rail (that completes the circuit as the train passes over it) that is slipped over the outside rail. Both accessories run off of track power, and this is where I’ve run into a little problem. The higher voltages used with newer engines has played havoc on the plastic based versions of the semaphore, that overheated. Part of my issue is that I run longer trains, so the signal is operating longer than it was probably designed for. When I want to run a PS2 engine, for example, I simply pull the activation bar off the rail, of course the semaphore blade won’t function then.
I could directly wire to the transformer for power (which I probably will do in the future), but for now I’m happy with what I’ve got going on. The activation bar should easily slip over your fastrack rail, but will just need a little “finagling” to get it to stay in place. There are demonstrations on Youtube on how to turn any piece of Fastrack into an insulated tangent of track.
If children are part of the fun, why not make your accessory push-button activated? That way, the accessory won’t be taxed as hard (gotta remember, some of this stuff is pretty old). And the kids love the instant gratification of running an accessory. Actually, so do I!