Running DC on DCC

I tried to run 3 different DC engines on my DCC today, after a couple mins, they would just quit…could start them up again after turning throttle to Zero, taking off track and started over again with same results…I am doing scenery in a seperate area but I do have feeders…anyone heard of this problem or can help me…

Thanks in Advance…

Need input…need input…

Which DCC system…etc…which locos?

David B

DC locomotives on DCC = VERY bad idea and burned out motors.

Here’s the Input, It’s a Digitrax Empire Builder and I have once in awhile run DC’s on (00) as per Digitrax Instructions and never ever had a problem with doing this until today…normally I only run them to test before I convert…They are Athearn Models and I have run one of them before on a few occasions…any Ideas??? I know I cannot run DCC on DC or I would blow my Decoders…not sure on the part above though…


Just a guess…if they are Athearn BB (blue boxes) then your shorts are the kadee couplers shorting out between the locos. The frame of the loco is electrically LIVE and represents one side of the rails; the kadees are in contact to the frame. If you have 2 locos back to back, then you are causing a short…OR…it can be the glad hands of the Kadee couplers shorting on the opposite rail OR touching the frogs…OR…touching the points…just a guess.

You should have NO issues with running DC locos on Digitrax products.

David B

…and where did you find this information? Best not to post opinions as facts.

I have been running DC locos on DCC for YEARS and not a one burnt out motor.

David B

This is actually not true. Many decoders will actually recognize the DC and run. No decoder should be damaged by a operating range DC voltage on the rails.

Only run one DC loco on DCC at a time.

If what I have read is correct, some older motors don’t like the constant direction changing entailed in operating a DC loco using the zero stretching DCC mode. And there is no question that the buzzing sound in this mode is annoying to many people. I think the advice to not leave a DC loco sitting still on the DCC track for a long period is probably good. For me it is only a test mode, but I’m not afraid of it.

You can run more than one, but they’ll act like multiple locos being driven by the same DC supply. It might not be particularly useful, but there isn’t any reason it can’t be done.

Leaving a DC engine sitting on a DCC layout will cause motor burnout this is because the track is always powered…However,if the DC engine is sitting in a unpowered block there is no danger.

I’ve heard (and read in the Bachmann manual) that it is bad to let a DC loco sit still and idle on a DCC track. Is THIS true? The Bachmann manual says this WILL burn out the motor.

Someone do an experiment. Take an older model and let it sit on your DCC layout for a day. Let us know what happens.

David B

Although I don’t think it’s possible, a friend of mine swears that a motor in one of his locomotives was demagnetized by inadvertently leaving it on a DCC powered track without a decoder installed.

It’s more likely that rather than being demagnetized, the motor overheated and burned out the armature windings.

Already been done. I did it bacdk in June. I put an old analog Athearn on a DCC powered spur. The motor went up in smoke after two and a half hours.

NCE will tell you not to run a dc loco on their system. I have NCE and tried it one time. I was convinced.


JW…this is the first time I have heard of this. Why havent you mentioned it before?

David B

Nobody asked.

Shouldnt have to. It would have made a great thread…and would have eliminated the need for this one.

Just a thought.

David B