Rusty Fastrack section fix or bad?

I’m finally cleaning off papers from my bedroom layout. On one 048 curve I have in the past put jars of water sitting on it. Now the finish is looking different. I have not tested to see if engines stall in that spot yet. Can I clean it with plastic 3M pads or?

Scotch brite pads are probably the safest way to try and clean the track, less abusive than sand paper. Fast Trak is basically O-31 tubular with a plastic base and the steel formed into “U” shaped rails. The main issue I’ve had with corrosion has been on track sections where the rust was on the underside. This made connectivity between sections of track hard to ensure. I know I’m going to sorry for asking but I’m going to anyway. Why would you put extra moisture near/on something that’s prone to rusting?

Well I had a “duh” moment like many of us have now and then.