New to this forum, am intersested in the minimum radius of S guage such as American flyer or the S helper track And also the Gargraves bending my own.
thanks alot Ron[?][:)]
Ron, American flyer track is a 19" radius. S helper I’m not sure on, check out for S helper. Also I plan on using American models
track on my S gauge layout, you can run AF stuff as well as scale on it. they have I believe 21" 24" and 27" raduis track. In
my opinion go with the largest raduis possible, AF didn’t look right going
around AF 19" raduis track, My AF passenger cars 660,661,662, and 663 really
slow the engine down on the curves( drag weight). Hpoe this helps. I’ll check
thanks for the reply just was curious if I could build a descent layout on 4x8
Ron, I would try to do it on a 5’ x 10’ if you had the room. Incidently it’s nice to see another “S” person in this forum. Myself and Ironrooster are the only two I know of. [#welcome]
I’m making a layout with S and HO scale trains
is there track in a larger radii than 19"?
I believe Carpenter Matt already answered your question in his slightly earlier post in this thread.
NMRA Life 0543
In addition to what carpenter matt says, see this page which lists other manufacturers. Some are scale and some are hirail (i.e. AF compatible).[:)][:)]
Ron, American models track looks more scale than others and they do have flex track. I forgot to mjention it earlier. Jctrain welcome to the small “S” club, I didn’t know you were into it. That makes 4 and growing.