I just saw this on Grandt Line’s website today. It states: “We are negotiating the sale of our tooling to a reputable company, so will keep you posted as this is finalized.”
just hope that company itsn’t the h word.
Grandt Line would likely find a fine home at Cannon and Company.
Did hear rumors months ago about this. Not sure at the time how true the info was and also that another manufacturer was looking into buying the molds.
We can just hope. Would be sad if they just went out, period,
No, I was told the reason but prefer to not elaborate, as I don’t wish to be drawn in where any litigation may be involved. I have supported both companies with modelling dollars over many years, and am somewhat thankful that there’s not a lot more that I’ll need to acquire.
I am disappointed on two fronts.
Please, oh please! [angel]
Ah! There is hope yet!
Good to hear it sounds like they will continue. There is also word on Precision Scale. Their importing was sold to division point models and the parts business was sold to PF&S railway supply.
didn’t think the litigation problem was still valid now.
I’ve not seen an official anouncement yet. However, on very good authority (a trusted source who spoke with one of the pincipals in the purchasing organizaton) I’ve heard that Grandt has been purchased and will continue. It’s not Kadee, as I speculated in an earlier comment. I’ll post more when I see something official.
The following was posted on TrainOrders early this morning:
Now that the topic is bumped, it was easier for me to find and post the info.
This is very good news indeed, not least for the many specialized manufacturers who themselves use Grandt Line parts in their kits.
Somewhat (but not entirely) OT - it would be useful to have a compendium or listing – dare I say a catalog, either print or online? – of some sort of the many smaller but important model rr manufacturers/importers who are NOT in the Walthers catalog, and not likely to advertise in the major magazines either. It has reached the point where I no longer know what is available and what is not, thanks in part to Walthers dropping so many lines in recent years, and thanks to fewer hobby shops carrying parts and offerings from smaller manufacturers, what we used to call basement operations.
Sort of like what HO Seeker does with manufacturers of the past.
Dave Nelson
This was tried many years ago. It was called the Builder’s Compendium. It apparently was not a commercial success because it only lasted a very short time.
I agree it would be useful, but it would also be a lot of work to keep it up to date.
there is this .
While the Grant Line thing is being sorted out, Tichy has sent an e-mail with the following note:
Dear Modeler:
As many of you have requested we have posted a cross reference from Grandt line numbers to our equivalents. We believe it has virtually all of the HO items and some items in other scales. If you know of any equivalents we have missed, please let us know so we can include them.The update for other scales will be finished by the middle June and the chart updated. The chart is listed under the catalog tab on the home page. Here is a direct link:
[quote user=“G Paine”]
While the Grant Line thing is being sorted out, Tichy has sent an e-mail with the following note:
Dear Modeler:
As many of you have requested we have posted a cross reference from Grandt line numbers to our equivalents. We believe it has virtually all of the HO items and some items in other scales. If you know of any equivalents we have missed, please let us know so we can include them.The update for other scales will be finished by the middle June and the chart updated. The chart is listed under the catalog tab on the home page. Here is a direct link:
I was lucky and picked up an entire box of Grandt Line parts at a train show last month. I think I have a lifetime supply on hand now.
My collected hoard of “might need” parts is getting a bit larger than I thought it ever would.
Me too, and I passed on some I should not have like a box of Campbell windows (I build a lot of their kits). I use the Grandt and Tichy windows and doors for my scratch stuff though.
I still kick myself for not acquiring Champ Decals when they were looking for a buyer. Dang!!! now I’m too dang old to look at getting into a new business. Oh well, just have to be happy building my layout now. Double Dang!!!