this morning we went to the TCA meeting in Arcadia, Ca. (anyone there?) to kinda scope things out. it went pretty well I must say. very nice group. here are a few photos of the day. as you can see by the last photo it was a pretty full day!
In case your interested, there is a O guage train club in San Pedro. If you would like more information please check out. The pictures of the layout in the Sunday Photo Fun are from there.
Hey trainbrain, if you are in Southern NH you might want to consider the Greenberg train show about .5 miles off Route 93 in Wilmington MA. March 29 and 30 at the Shriners Auditorium.
this is my nephew and I’m not sure he even knew anything was on his shirt. he would be oblivious if his shirt said “KickMe” instead. he was much to busy watching the trains, and when the owner said he could push the horn button on the big standard gauge all else was blocked out. the poor guy, all he could say was “he sure likes the whistle”.
Hope that photo is hanging over your train board, beautiful. If the intervention program John suggests is the same one used on Cubs fans, don’t waste your money. There’s about a century of evidence proving that it doesn’t work. I know. I’m still rooting for them.
The issue is that intervention can only work on those who understand there is a problem. Cubs fans do not understand much of anything…[;)] The intervention program I am talking about will include bleach, to turn those red sox a nice clean, crisp white. [:D]