Some of you may be aware of a tender style known as a “sausage” tender. The one I’m most familiar with is in what used to be the Age of Steam museum in Dallas–museum has a new name now that I don’t recall. The tender is on a Baldwin 0-6-0 S-12 that was the yard goat at Dallas Union Station into the early 1960s.
The only model of this S-12 that I every ran across was a Sunset brass made in the 60s or 70s. Question is, does anyone know of any other model of the S-12 that is more likely to turn-up than this rare brass model? More to the point, is anyone aware of a model of just the sausage style tender that has been made? I can probably find an 0-6-0 that will work, but scratchbuilding a tender like that is beyond my skill, and patience, level.
Yes, the ‘sausage’ tender is not a Vandy tender. I’ll post a photo if I can find it in my library, On-line search turned up a good number of tender sausages, but not sausage tenders.
The one pictured represents a later SP modification to increase oil capacity, note the raised bunker and walkway handrails. I believe most if not all had this work done. I suspect one could use a tank car as the basis.
Here is a photo of the tender. It looks to be the same as the photo Jeffert-Wimberly posted. All references to the locomotive in the literature about Dallas Union Station refer to it as a “sausage” tender, as does the reference to the Sunset S-12 model in the Brown Brass Book. Now the question recurrs—anyone know of a source for a similar model or, for that matter, an available Sunset S-12?
Bachmann makes some small vandy tenders that possibly could work for a kit bash. They’re only about $15 at Trainland. I’ve only seen pictures of them so I don’t know anything about the construction (or destruction). Just a thought"“…”…