Say it anit so

plz tell me that Tower 55 isnt the on macker of the
General Electric ES44AC Demonstrator

i want one so bad bu theres no way i can come up 259 green ones

Sure you can! Start today with $10.00, and add to it every single week, no matter what. When you want a new CD, a new subscription to “Yaah, Whatever!” magazine, skip it and put the cost into the ‘fund’. When you have $100, send it in on deposit so that they’ll print your name on one and leave it on the shelf…just for you. I’m quite sure you’ll have that loco doing laps before next March.

lowers head and cries[:(] Just kidding
i was hopeing someone esle made a model of it that would be alot cheaper, even Kato’s expensive taste would stand a better chance with me

Why not make one out of bristol board and put it on another chassis. It can be a demo demo. :smiley: LOL
I know how it feels to want something and not have enough money to get it.
You could try swap meets,garage sales, flee markets, etc
Eventually some one will through one out. :slight_smile:

yea i saw it at the convetion on friday but it wasnt for sale

what about Amtrack Dash-8 who makes those, i saw a brass one but it was $759

I recently had a yard sale to collect some money for my layout need , styro foam about 30 $ worth, and it worked out quite well you should try looking into this if you have some decent stuff too sale you could make a 100 or even 200 if your lucky

hey be thankfull you found one at 259 i justed paid 289…