Scale Shops Turnout Motors

Anyone had experience using these, I am currently trying them on scratchbuilt N scale turnouts, I find that they lock on due to the direct drive, when you try to reverse them, they are jammed, reducing the voltage to limit the throw and/or power won’t work, seems like some sort of inderect stepdown gearing is needed, any suggestions.


A friend of mine has a bunch he’s using on his handlaid N scale turnouts, and they seem to work fine. A lot of them are remote mounts with model airplane control lines connecting the machine to the actual turnout, often through a 90 degree curve to allow space to mount the machine. These are designed to work with the cutoff contacts provided, not retain power indefinitely. Hopefully you have yours wired this way. He drive his with 12v AC through steering diodes - what voltage are you feeding them with? Too high a voltage could make them overrun after the cutoff, causing the jams you mention. Perhaps dropping the voltage a bit will help.
